The Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org) is pulling out all the stops to raise awareness of this disease that has effected as many as 5 million people currently in our country. With the 70 million Baby Boomers approaching retirement years, this figure will undoubtedly increase substantially over the next decade. As Boomers, this will affect so many of us, if it hasn't already. If you have read some of my articles about my mother (in My Folders - Hannah's Journey) you will know that my family is and has been going through this life changing event over the past year. Hannah is doing well and is currently living in a nursing home and physically sound but her mind comes and goes. She still mostly remembers everyone but will go off into mixed up stories of both imagination and scattered past memories. During such a spell, it is hard to get her off the subject without angering her. This takes an extreme amount of patience as it is natural for us to want to clarify her on what she is talking about, but we have to remember to just nod our heads and listen.
I also have a great post with a video about living with aging parents going through memory loss that will tear anyone up. Don't say I didn't warn you... get your tissues ready! (Absolutely beautiful slideshow for boomers!!!)
Drug research is only beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel for treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease. There just isn’t nearly enough media press on the subject to raise the public’s awareness which would then give it a higher priority in the political circuit. This is a great time to raise this public and political awareness as we get closer to the Presidential election.
The Alzheimer’s Association is sponsoring the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk which is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funding for support and research. The event is typically a 2 - 3 mile walk on one morning in the fall.
Together we can move a nation! Sign up to be a team captain today.
Alzheimer's Memory Walk

My MIL suffers from Alzheimer's. It so sad to witness. She doesn't even recognize my husband (her son) anymore.
For more information and reading about Alzheimer's disease, read articles in the My Article Folders section, in the alzheimer's and Hannah's Journey. Take care and I wish your family all the best!
Obviously this is a nationwide and even worldwide problem. It is a condition that affects everyone around the patient. Life changes as people once know their lives to be. It puts in perspective exactly what is important in life..and not to get upset over the challenges that occur daily..Perhaps some though into prevention..like eating healthy, walking daily, taking vitamins and supplements..You know it can't hurt...carol stanley author of For Kids 59.99 and Over.
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