April 28, 2008

My first payperpost attempt

I am exploring the world of blogging as I leave my career of the past 23 years as a Technical Analyst for a major pharmaceutical corporation. I have been using Google's Adsense and it has been a struggle to make that work as a money making venture. A blogger friend of mine introduced me to PayPerPost where you write a post about someone's product or service on your own blog and get paid a much higher amount than with Adsense. I am hoping that this will be more productive as a money making venture.

If you would like to try PPP out, click the link PayPerPost, and follow the easy steps to start making some possibly serious extra money while just giving you opinion about someone's product... which we all know is not that difficult, especially for us Boomers... we love to give our opinions, even when they are not wanted... :-)

If you need any help, feel free to contact me. Although I'm certainly not an expert... I can act like one! After all, that's what this site is about.. Baby Boomers helping and sharing stories and experiences.

I will continue to post articles about my progress with PayPerPost for you fellow Boomers and bloggers and feel free, as well, to send me any suggestions you have on PayPerPost or blogging in general.

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