January 3, 2011

A New Year and Perfect Time for Reflection

Let's face it, the first day of a new year is really just another next day, but having a calendar that marks it as the first day of the new year makes it a grand event. As such a grand event, it gives us a great opportunity to make it a day to start something BIG. We all usually make promises to ourselves to do things that we always want to do, but we decide that this is a perfect day to finally do it, such as lose weight or be better organized, etc.

Perhaps starting a new business, as I did in the final quarter of 2010, is making me do a lot of reflection, on what was going right and what needs fixing, but this is making me look at the new year by first, reflecting on what happened in 2010 first. Reflection will directly feed into what the focus for the new year should be. Reflection will provide the goals and resolutions for the coming year.

Starting a new business, especially for the first time, will have you going through a learning period from time you start planning, through when you open your doors and then for a period of at least 3 months. The dust has seemed to settle and the first 3 months are basically tweaking and getting things running. Suddenly, as the dust clears, you find that you begin to see some clear directions that need the most focus. In my case, it has been an awakening of needing to narrow my focus and key in on the original key areas that were in my beginning business plan.

I found myself trying to plug every hole and remedy every situation all at the same time. Since a human being is clearly only one physical body and not capable of being everywhere all the time, I realize that I must define my most important objectives and focus my energy and time into these areas. Doing this will not only insure a better chance of success but it will also take care of other areas, purely through osmosis.

Take some time this first week of the New Year to think about the last one and the lessons that were learned. You will find that it will lay out your goals to begin in the new year. Also, don't worry about setting goals that are forever or for the entire year. Concentrate on some immediate goals, and work on them until you achieve them.

The New Year will always be another year of challenges that will require you to constantly change your goals. The first day of a new year is a great time to refresh but we can and must make new resolutions all the time as we face what life presents to us, and you can be sure that that will always happen.

Thanks to all of the readers and supporters of this website/blog and I wish a prosperous and happy 2011.


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