July 27, 2009

New freelance position and a HUGE thank you to my readers!

Join Associated Content

I just wanted to do a post to announce that I am taking on more freelance contract writing. I am now writing for Associated Content and really in the beginning stages of learning AC methodology. The first thing that I like is that you can write about various subject matter, giving a bit more freedom and opportunity to earn more income. The hard part about
Examiner.com is that you are given a subject and title and although it makes you more of an expert in that area, it restricts your income amount. After all, writers doing political or current news subject matter are going to be getting much more attention as they can write about current hot topics of the news of the day. If your topic has a smaller target audience, it takes much more marketing to find your readers. In any case, it is all a valuable learning experience. Nothing learned is ever wasted.

Associated Content pays more per article and has affiliations with other websites that may post your material. This gives you more distribution changes, thus more visibility, thus more potential income.

I want to gi
ve as much encouragement as possible to any of my readers who may thinking of being a freelance writer. There’s a lot out there, but there’s also a lot of opportunity. If you ever thought you liked writing, whether it be creative or journalist, give some of these on-line freelance websites a try. As I said, nothing learned is ever wasted.

I want to also thank anyone who has kept in touch with me, especially all those that I worked with over the last 20 years or so. Your support gives me the encouragement to continue pursuing my dreams when I have those days where I wonder if I’m doing the right thing in my life. I need those reminders to snap myself out of falling back on the same lame excuses that I said to myself before, whenever the going got tuff...

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